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St Joseph's Primary School and Nursery Unit, Bessbrook, Newry

Ministerial Visit

                                                                               Friday 13th December 

Dear parents,                                                            

I have been sitting on some very good news for some time. As part of Department of Education’s bidding process for SEN transformation money, Dr Janis Scallon, (Director for Inclusion Dept of Education,) invited the Head of the Northern Ireland Civil Service (HNICS, Mrs Jayne Brady, MBE) to visit some schools to see how support is provided for children with SEN. Dr Janis Scallon brought Mrs Jayne Brady MBE, (HNICS,) to a selection of primary, post primary and Special School settings to let her experience the full continuum of provision in this locality. The letter I have attached in the 'Latest News,' section below is a note of thanks from Mrs. Jayne Brady, MBE, which I extend to the pupils, staff, parents and Governors of St. Joseph’s P.S. Bessbrook.

Can I also thank the continued support we receive from the team at CCMS, Mary Rose Scullin SEN Link Officer (Armagh) Statutory Assessment and Review Service Children & Young People’s Service, the Specialist Setting Support Team, the Education Authority School Improvement Professional Primary School Development Service and our District Inspector Dr. Catherine Thompson ETI, to name but a few. Your support and advice continues to be an invaluable resource which guides us and ensures that our children’s needs are continually met.

Congratulations to the pupils, parents and staff of St. Joseph’s P.S. Bessbrook, both past and present, for their unwavering commitment to the community of Bessbrook.


Mr. Michael Doran


St. Joseph’s P.S. Bessbrook                                                                                                                          



Latest News

7th Feb 2025
To mark Children’s Mental Health Week, Mrs Leonard’s class drew pictures...
7th Feb 2025
The boys and girls in P.4/5 had a busy week celebrating Children’s Mental Health...
7th Feb 2025
The boys and girls in P.4/5 celebrated St. Brigid’s Day this week creating...

Latest Photographs


Latest Videos

St Brigid’s Day
Welcome to Primary 1
Nursery Unit Christmas Stories and Songs.
Primary 5 Prayers, Poetry and Songs
Primary 2 Christmas Poetry and Songs
Red Riding Hood Primary 7
Whoops A Daisy Angel Primary 1
Primary 3 Christmas Poetry and Songs
Maths Week 2024

St Joseph's Facebook

Good afternoon all, thank you for carrying out the parent's survey on problem solving before the Christmas holidays. As a result of the feedback, I will be hosting a Maths Catch Up evening in school on the 25th February from 6pm to 8pm. This will be open to the adult family members of children in the primary 5 to 7 classes. This will be a chance to ask me any advice on teaching techniques surrounding numeracy. It will also be a chance to speak to other parents, play a few games and to maybe get a quiet cuppa. If you can attend, please let me know by completing the event registration. Yours sincerely, Mr.Traynor.

Upcoming Events...

Thursday, 10th April 2025
P7 Confirmation